**Teacher Feature** – Meet Iain :-)


yoga-300x300Iain has been practising yoga for 10 years and yoga has always been a complimentary movement modality to his very active lifestyle. Being a tradesman by day and a surfer, runner, mountain biker by weekend, Iain relies on yoga to keep his body supple, strong and injury free.

You may or may not have crossed paths with Iain in the Yoga Everyday studio. In the past few months he has come out from behind the scene as he has embarked on a new part of his yoga journey – training to become a teacher. After many weekends of education, hours of learning to teach, progression and self development of yoga within his body and an exam to top the journey off, Iain is now a Level1 200hour Registered Yoga Teacher.

You may have joined Iain on a Tuesday evening in the free community class. Through teaching these classes, Iain has built a reputation of starting the classes off strong with a powerful warm up. This is appreciated by the students as he continues to move through a flow of deep stretches (thank goodness for that warm body) and finishes in a juicy Savasana.

With the completion of Iains teacher training, the community classes have now turned into a Yoga Flow Class. With a similar style of class, we encourage you to come along and experience Iains warm, welcoming personality and powerful Yoga Flow.

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